Summary of Remuneration details we receive from Providers we have agencies with for your business
Please Note:
The enclosed commission guidance section gives indicative values across every product provider and every product advised whereby a commission or fee is received within our business. This is the maximum Distilled Financial Services will take and is subject to change. Further detail on the providers we work with, the products we sell and the maximum commissions available to us are outlined below. These details are correct as at 21 August 2020
Provider Name | Type of business | Maximum Commission % | on renewal |
Permanent TSB | Mortgage | 1% | NIL |
Broker Assist Ltd t/a One Network, One Platform, Broker Assist, Lending Hand, Lending Hand Mortgages |
Mortgage |
1% | NIL |
Stephen Hamilton Financial Services Limited t/a Mortgageline, Northwood Financial Planning |
Mortgage |
1% | NIL |
Distilled Financial Services Ltd t/a Daft Mortgages is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland